Time Tracking: In-house time tracking tool built for a UNC office.
Incarceration Derivation: Wrote SQL script to replace a slow-running PHP script that was deriving incarceration spans from sets of daily jail records scraped from county jail rosters. Processing went from several minutes per file to a couple of seconds per file.
WordPress Variables Plugin: Dropping this plugin into your wp-content folder enables the use of custom-set variables throughout your site content. Useful for setting prices, phone numbers, emails, and other pieces of information that appear throughout your content, but need the value to be managed in one central location.
Python PPT to PDF to JPG Conversion Scripts: These files are used to convert ppt(x) files to pdfs, and then to convert the first pages of those pdfs to jpgs. It is primarily used to post presentations with thumbnails on the Carolina Health Informatics Program website. Each of the two conversion files may require some customization to look in the correct paths. You'll also need to create 'pdf', 'jpg' and 'ppt' folders in the same directory if they aren't already there.
The Beginner's Guide to Neglecting Your Studies and Learning to Code in a Café: Interested in teaching yourself to code? Here's a somewhat tongue-in-cheek but hopefully useful guide to get getting started.
IT Training Giving you Headaches? Consider an Agile Approach to Straightening the Learning Curve.: Addresses the 4 Values and 12 Principles of Agile Methodology and attempts to apply them to the IT learning process.
Authenticating Google Users: A Google Authentication Tool using PHP and JavaScript, including some demo pages.
Custom Field Templating Plugin: In an effort to reduce the need for backend editing just to display custom field contents using relatively simple looping and conditional logic, I coded out a plugin that lets you mark up page content logic using custom tags. It is implemented in a number of places, including CHIP, Enable and the Carrboro Run Club.
Migrating from SVN to Git using SubGit: Our office recently needed to quickly make a move to a new repository service on campus, and once I figured out how to do it, I decided to document the process in the form of a LinkedIn article.
WordPress on OpenShift: A Campus Case Study: Created a new WordPress installation on CloudApps, UNC's implementation of OpenShift. This case study explains some of the challenges involved, and how they were overcome.
Time Flies, But Should You?: They say that "time is money". In fact, time is a separate commodity. It can be traded for money, but expires whether it is used or not. It cannot be saved. Only well-managed.
Data Compilation: Helping a sociology graduate student use the pandas, difflib, lxml, and fuzzywuzzy modules to create a Python script to unzip and compile NY Times article texts into a pre-existing list of titles based on date and title string similarity, in order to build a cohesive collection to be used for further analysis.
Aggregated Data: Visualizing Cancer Outcomes Data for Cohort Discovery.
Notification System: Handling Notification Subscriptions using Cron Jobs and OOP.
Project Tracking: Sortable project tracking grid and task assignment.
Concept Codelinks: Click-and-drop custom medical vocabulary control using Dojo DataGrids.
e-Reviews: Wireframing a system for reviewing project proposals.