Tutoring, Training and Consulting
General Info

Location: Given the current pandemic situation, tutoring is available on Zoom or Google Hangouts. Hopefully we'll be able to start meeting in person again before long.

Standard Rate: $60/hour (reductions available for longer commitments)

References available upon request.

Contact Info

Phone: (336) 525-9067

Email: contact@trianglewebtech.com

Specific Subjects
  • German Grammar
  • Web Design with HTML and JavaScript
  • Programming with PHP and Python
  • Node, Express, React, MongoDB, Websockets, Heroku
  • Working with SQL and relational databases
  • JavaScript, Ajax, and various frameworks
  • Git, Vagrant, VirtualBox
UNC Boot Camp Tutoring

Taking the UNC Boot Camp? Overwhelmed? I have extensive experience tutoring students who have taken this boot camp, and I know how overwhelming it can be for true beginners. I have experience in each of the technologies and languages that they teach in their web development course, including but not limited to:

  • Web Design with HTML, CSS and BootStrap
  • UI / UX Design with JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax and React
  • Server-side storage with tools like Firebase, MySQL and MongoDB
  • Server-side programming with Node and Express
  • Additional skills not taught in the boot camp, such as PHP, Python, and more
  • Git Repository Management on Github
  • Virtual Machine Management with Virtual Box